Dr. Celeste Fabrie - Ubuntu Hemp GERMANY & GLOBAL
Psychologist - Certified Industrial Hemp & Medical Cannabis Expert & Researcher


I and my team offer high-quality consultations and services to meet all our customers' requirements. In doing so, our service establishes and secures our ever-growing online customer base. Online psychological councelling, including medical cannabis education, hemp farming and coaching is becoming very popular worldwide as we can reach a wider audience.

“As a cover crop, hemp enhances soil health by shading out weeds—reducing the need for synthetic herbicides—and adding diversity to crop rotations, improving soil health. Hemp is also versatile in the market, with thousands of uses for its seed, oil, and fiber.”

Visit us online and convince yourself of our range of flexible services, business solutions and expertise especially in the hemp business and innovative medical cannabis research. We focus on holistic treatment of the body-mind-spirit concept. I personally hold a Master in Cannabis certification for both the hemp industry and the medical cannabis health services.

German Press Article

I will be happy to answer your enquiry from our contact form in a personal manner. We look forward to your interest!

“Wellness is not a ‘medical fix’ but a way of living – a lifestyle sensitive and responsive to all the dimensions of body, mind, and spirit, an approach to life we each design to achieve our highest potential for well-being now and forever.” - Greg Anderson